• ROCA Industry, Romania's first industrial holding company, recorded a 7.6% increase in cumulative turnover in 2024 compared to 2023, according to the company's preliminary annual report
  • Cumulative EBITDA of ROCA Industry subsidiaries: 68.1 million RON, representing a margin of 11.3% and a 54.2% increase compared to the 2023 result
  • At the individual level, ROCA Industry achieves a net profit of 9.8 million RON and covers all losses accumulated since its establishment
  • For 2025, ROCA Industry aims to achieve a consolidated turnover of 716.2 million RON, representing a 20% increase compared to the 2024 result
  • The holding will continue the technological process through significant investments in equipment, with a total CAPEX budget of 54.1 million RON distributed across the portfolio

Bucharest, February 28, 2024 - ROCA Industry, Romania's first industrial holding company specializing in construction materials, owned by ROCA Investments, recorded a cumulative turnover of 602 million lei, according to the preliminary annual report for 2024. The cumulative revenues at the holding level increased by 7.6% compared to the previous year, both due to commercial dynamics in specific segments and the implementation of an extensive transformation process at the holding level, which combined strategic investments with operational optimization and strengthening of the portfolio brands.

In the context of a declining market, the cumulative EBITDA of ROCA Industry subsidiaries increased by 54.2%, reflecting the efficiency of optimization measures and the strategic alignment of operations, as well as the commercial approach.

"The financial results for 2024 confirm ROCA Industry's efficiency in implementing its development and expansion strategy. All operational segments recorded significant growth, and the optimization and efficiency measures implemented since 2023 have shown positive effects this year, demonstrating the resilience of our business model even in a difficult market context. In 2024, ROCA Industry consolidated its position through a series of well-thought-out and implemented strategic measures. The significant development in all operational segments reflects not only an expansion of activities but also an efficient adaptation to market requirements," said Ionuț Bindea, Chairman of the Board of ROCA Industry (and Senior Investment Manager at ROCA Investment).

Also, at the individual level, ROCA Industry's net profit reached 9.8 million RON compared to 3.3 million RON in 2023, generated by interest income from loans granted to Group companies and dividend income. At the same time, in 2024, the value adjustment recorded for the stake held in BICO in 2022, when it was decided to recognize an adjustment of 12.4 million RON, was fully canceled, so that the losses previously recorded by the holding were fully covered.

For ROCA Industry, 2024 was a year of consolidation in the capital market and significant growth in activity. In January, the holding increased its share capital from 176.9 million lei to 248.7 million lei. On March 11, 2024, ROCA Industry shares were admitted to trading on the main market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange. This led to a 3.5-fold increase in share liquidity compared to the same period in 2023. In addition, the company's shares were included in the BET Plus index six months after listing and subsequently in the MSCI Frontier IMI and MSCI Romania IMI indices, starting March 1, 2025.

In the holding's development process, at the portfolio level, towards the end of 2024, ROCA Industry completed the full acquisition of WORKSHOP DOORS and carried out a merger process with ECO EURO DOORS, forming the consolidated company VELTADOORS, the player with the largest production capacity at the national level.

"We look to the future with confidence and aim to continue the development of the holding, both organically and through new strategic acquisitions. The achievements of 2024 provide us with a solid foundation for evolution, such as the listing on the main market of the BVB and the inclusion of our shares in important indices, which represent significant steps in the evolution of ROCA Industry. In the current context marked by economic and geopolitical challenges, we believe that our diversified business model gives us a competitive advantage. We are ready to capitalize on emerging opportunities and consolidate the companies in our portfolio," said Camelia Ene, CEO of ROCA Industry.

ROCA Industry Projections for 2025

For 2025, ROCA Industry aims to achieve a consolidated turnover of 716.2 million RON, representing a 20% increase compared to the 2024 result, with an estimated net profit of 5.6 million RON. This growth is based on the expansion of distribution channels, increased sales volumes, and the complete integration of companies acquired in 2024. The holding will continue the digitalization and retooling process through significant investments in equipment, with a total CAPEX budget of over 54 million RON distributed among the five main companies.

At the level of individual companies, significant increases in turnover are forecast for all portfolio companies: EVOLOR (+16%), BICO INDUSTRIES Group (+22%), VELTADOORS (+16%), DIAL (+18%) and ELECTROPLAST (+21%). Common strategies include launching new products, maximizing current distribution channels, developing exports, and operational efficiency to improve margins. An important role will be played by the optimization of internal processes, digitalization, and leveraging synergies between group companies, in accordance with ROCA Industry's mission to contribute to the reindustrialization of Romania and to transform the companies in its portfolio into regional leaders.

ROCA Industry, a holding company majority-owned by the private equity company ROCA Investments, represents the first strategic pillar dedicated to generating value through the consolidation and modernization of Romanian production capacities, with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the national industry.

ROCA Industry directly owns a portfolio of 5 significant players in the construction field: BICO Industries (the first and largest national producer of fiberglass mesh and the only local producer of fiberglass reinforcements), EVOLOR (one of the largest players in the paint and varnish production industry), DIAL (producer of wire products), ELECTROPLAST (one of the most important producers of electric cables), VELTADOORS (the largest Romanian producer of doors for residential construction, resulting from the merger of ECO EURO DOORS with WORKSHOP DOORS).