• ROCA Industry, the industrial construction materials holding, listed on the AeRO market of BVB continues the development strategy for ECO EURO DOORS and announces the intention to buy a new local company.  
  • ROCA Industry holding, through ECO EURO DOORS, is under advanced negotiations to buy a stake from Workshop Doors, which owns two production facilities, in Reghin and Petelea.
  • Following the targeted acquisition, ECO EURO DOORS will strengthen its position on the market, aiming to become a regional champion.

Bucharest, July 25th, 2023 - ROCA Industry announces its intention to acquire, through one of the companies in the holding, ECO EURO DOORS, Workshop Doors - one of the key players on the Romanian interior door market.

Currently under advanced negotiations, the holding announces the intention to purchase a stake at Workshop Doors, a company based in Petelea, operating two modern production facilities. The transaction is not signed at this time and will be subject to an internal evaluation process and approvals from the Competition Council, or other competent authorities. 

ROCA Industry aims, through this new envisaged acquisition, to continue increasing the production capacity of ECO EURO DOORS and diversify its offer with new and competitive products, covering all price segments and ensuring the most diversified offer available on the Romanian market.  

Following the completion and upon obtaining all necessary approvals for the conclusion of the transaction, ECO EURO DOORS will strengthen its position as a key player on the Romanian interior door market, aiming to become a regional champion.

"ROCA Industry holding remains solid on its plans to consolidate through strategic acquisitions, scale-up and thus position the local industry on the European map of industrial performers. This is why, on a market segment dominated by imports and low-quality products, we are happy to make new steps forward towards the reindustrialization of Romania - through capital and know-how infusion, which will all translate into better quality and respect for Romanians' money spent on products made in Romania," states Ionuț Bindea, CEO of ROCA Industry.

70% of the local interior doors market is currently represented by imports. The source of imports is mainly China, this imports segment being dominated by low-quality, low cost products. In comparison, the local products market is fragmented and only 58% of domestic production is sold locally, the rest going to export.*

"Workshop Doors is a competitive player, with a healthy evolution. In terms of production volumes, it ranked 3rd among all local manufacturers in 2022, delivering over 150,000 quality doors produced in its factories. We believe that together we can continue the success story of this company, becoming stronger together and more relevant both on the national market and on the regional European markets. Our acquisition model envisages an integrated approach that involves supporting and developing employees and increasing their performance in the new structure”, Ionuț Bindea added.

On a limited market in terms of options, after the approval and completion of the envisaged transaction, the strategy proposed by ROCA Industry for ECO EURO DOORS aims to diversify the brands in the portfolio, with a focus on increasing the quality of the products. Sustainability, eco-responsibility, technology integration and automation, as well as engaging experienced designers will be major differentiators for the company's next development phase strategy.

ECO EURO DOORS is the Romanian manufacturer of doors for residential constructions, with the largest production capacity in Romania, part of the ROCA Industry holding portfolio as of 2022. With over 220 employees and 28 years of experience on the construction materials market, it mainly produces interior doors, in its high-performing factory in Reghin. ECO EURO DOORS products are distributed nationally, through DYI retailers, but also through other retailers and specialized distributors.

WORKSHOP DOORS, a company active since 2009, based in Petelea, owns 2 own factories, in Reghin and Petelea and exports a considerable percentage of its own production. The company had 184 employees and registered a 10.5 million euros turnover at the end of 2022.

ROCA Industry, listed on the AeRO market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange under the symbol ROC1, is the industrial holding owned by ROCA Investments. It directly and indirectly owns a number of 8 companies - performers in their specific sectors of activity.

*According to the NEOMAR study - Analysis of the interior and entrance doors market, made of wood in Romania. Market research report - September 2022

This is a notice of intent to initiate the procurement process.

The transaction is subject to the approval of the Competition Council but also to a series of specific procedures that may affect its structure.