ROCA Industry, the holding company dedicated to the construction materials industry, marks a new milestone in its evolution, its shares being including in the MSCI Frontier IMI and MSCI Romania IMI indexes. This achievement not only validates our business model, but also confirms our growth potential, providing additional visibility on international markets.

What are the MSCI indexes?

MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) indexes are some of the most important global stock market indexes used by institutional investors to analyze markets and make strategic capital allocation decisions. These indices include representative companies across sectors and regions and are a key benchmark for investment funds, asset managers and other market participants.

MSCI Frontier IMI covers emerging frontier markets, bringing together companies with high growth potential, while MSCI Romania IMI reflects the performance of relevant companies in Romania.

A step forward for ROCA Industry

This strategic step brings multiple benefits:

  • Greater liquidity for ROCA Industry shares, facilitating stock market trading.
  • Access to institutional capital as many investment funds allocate their resources based on these indices.
  • Increased visibility in international markets, attracting the attention of global investors.

We are continuing our development process, with direct benefits not only for the holding, but also for our shareholders and partners. Increasing our visibility for our investors, including those on international markets, brings us closer to our strategic objective of becoming a reference player in the building materials industry.

We are committed to continue our sustainable development and to generate long-term value, strengthening our position on the capital market and in the industry in which we operate